Who Is A Good Keynote Speaker?
A Great Convention Starts with a Great Keynote Speaker
Ron White is a good keynote speaker choice for your conference. He is a two time USA Memory Champion and his keynotes are hilarious, fun and most importantly educational. Every audience leaves laughing and amazed at the power of their own memory and brain potential. Ron travels from Texas but has given his keynote speech in over 30 countries and 45 of the 50 states since 1991. He will memorize up to 300 names in your audience and then a 50 digit number that he never sees. Ron is a good keynote speaker for sales conferences, annual conventions, association meetings and more.
What makes Ron White a good keynote speaker for your group? One of the things that makes Ron such a good keynote speaker is that he has been doing it so long. Don’t tell anyone but Ron start in 1991! Yes, that’s over 3 decades of speaking on the same topic (memory improvement). How many speakers do you know that have first of all been speaking that long and secondly have been speaking on the same topic that long? Probably not many.
Ron would like to say before you begin to think he is a dinosaur that while he has been giving this speech for 30 years he did start when he was 18!
Another thing that makes Ron a good keynote speaker is that he practice what he teaches. In 2009 he won the USA Memory Championship competing in a mental Olympics against some of the greatest memory athletes in the country. He won the USA Memory Championship again in 2010 becoming a 2 time USA Memory Champion.
However, Ron will be the first to tell you what makes him a good choice for your conference is that he knows how to deliver value for you and your group. His speech is not about how great his memory is. It is about how great your memory can be!
If you are looking for an unforgettable keynote for your sales conference Ron will show your group how to remember names and faces to increase sales and remember the key details of your sales presentations.
Or maybe your group is business owners and they would like to remember what they read or learn at conferences. If so, Ron is a great choice for your conference.
Ron will share with your group the 5 steps to memorize anything and how they can apply these to their business to increase productivity, profits and sales.
If you are looking for a good keynote speaker make sure you look for a keynote speaker who has experience and that means testimonials. Here are just some of Ron’s keynote speaker reviews.
The best way to see if Ron is a good fit for your group is to simply contact him and tell him about your group. It’s free to inquire. So what do you have to lose? It’s time to get a good…no scratch that… a great keynote speaker for your group.
Ron White is the founder of Brain Athlete, Inc and a veteran of the US Navy.
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