

Do I Watch MSNBC, Fox News or CNN

For the most part I watch the History Channel, Nat Geo and baseball. That is 90% of my viewing. Yet, with the election I must confess I am watching more news. Which channel do you think I watch? Fox News? CNN? MSNBC? Things to consider - I was born in Texas to a Christian, conservative

By |2015-04-22T17:45:45-05:00September 5th, 2012|News|3 Comments

A Penny Doubled Every Day

I am currently working on a project memorizing 6,000 pieces of information.... Some days I get nothing done... Other days 50 pieces of data... Other days 300 pieces of data... But really my goal is to do SOMETHING every day. Even if it is a small amount. Because small things add up. (Side note -

By |2015-04-22T17:45:45-05:00September 4th, 2012|News|3 Comments

Is Memory Training Too Much Work?

A common objection to memory training is that it is too much work. That it is actually more information to remember than just remembering the info. Really? So was it too much work to learn the English language? I mean you had to learn the alphabet, sound out words and all that. How EXHAUSTING! Was

By |2015-04-22T17:45:45-05:00August 29th, 2012|News|2 Comments

How to Remember – TRUST Your Memory

So you wish you could remember more? Well, then STOP saying...'I have a terrible memory.' "I am a terrible test taker.' 'I am not good with names.' 'I can't remember like I used to.' STOP...STOP...STOP!!!! In 2008, I emailed the then World Memory Champion, Ben Pridmore and asked him to give me his #1 piece

By |2015-04-22T17:45:45-05:00August 27th, 2012|News|0 Comments

How to Remember Things

What do you want to memorize? Names, numbers, chapters of books, foreign languages, formulas or something else? The good news is you can. You can memorize anything you want. Really... The core of the system goes back to an ancient memory technique known as 'LOCI'. Basically this technique involves: 1. Number 25 pieces of furniture

By |2015-04-22T17:45:45-05:00August 26th, 2012|News|0 Comments

Energy Drinks and Your Memory – Good News, Bad News

  I learned two lessons this week.... One cost me business and the other reinforced something I had known and it is all about energy drinks. I had a speech to give Thursday night and I knew I was going to be worn out from traveling. So Wednesday night at the convenience store I saw

By |2015-04-22T17:45:45-05:00August 24th, 2012|News|0 Comments

How to Remember Your Credit Card at Bar

    Yesterday I received a call from a magazine doing a story on how to remember your credit card at the bar. In other words, not go home and leave your card. The magazine was Cosmopolitan, which is important to the story. They said their solution was to order drinks that only start with

By |2021-04-21T13:11:43-05:00July 19th, 2012|News|3 Comments

Foods BAD for your memory

Today as I travel to Washington DC to give a memory training seminar for the United States Marine Corp! HOOYAH! I am watching what I eat and drink. Why? Because we all for the most part understand that there are foods GOOD for our memory (and I talk about those a lot - spinach, blueberries,

By |2015-04-22T17:45:45-05:00July 16th, 2012|News|7 Comments