Today as I travel to Washington DC to give a memory training seminar for the United States Marine Corp! HOOYAH! I am watching what I eat and drink.


Because we all for the most part understand that there are foods GOOD for our memory (and I talk about those a lot – spinach, blueberries, omega 3 etc) there are also things BAD for your memory.

1. Tylenol PM or anything that help puts you to sleep can and will cloud your brain to some extent the next day and have possible long term negative consequences for your brain. To be candid this has been a crutch of mine but recently have opted for more natural sleep drinks/herbs. Someone recently gave me an herbal tea drink that worked last night.

2. Alcohol! Yes, I enjoy a rum every now and then but alcohol in excess will cloud your memory. Duh…in other news gravity causes things to fall to the ground!!

3. Sweet N Low or any artificial sweeteners are not going to be good for your memory. Stay away (Sucralose is bad)

4. Junk food…if it is bad for your brain it is bad for your body. Scientists at the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden fed mice junk food for 9 months and afterwards examined their brains. The results were neural tangles associated with the development of Alzheimer’s. The mice brains had toxic tau protein build-up and diminished activity of Arc protein (associated with memory). The take away is this – mice that ate fast food experienced adverse changes in their neurochemistry.

Now stress isn’t a food but it is such an enemy to your memory I am including it. Stress is the worst enemy to your brain

What am I drinking right now? Water!

Get plenty of sleep

Drink water

avoid the foods above and you should be good to go!

Now I am off to teach the Marines some memory training!!