I’m not going to lie.

I’m a proud of myself. I just recited the entire United States Constitution from memory! That is 4,453 words!

It wasn’t an easy task and took me 4 and a half months! Now, I didn’t work straight through I had many other tasks during that time and took weeks off at times.

But I’m not proud of the length of time what I am proud of is that I never gave up! My goal was to memorize the constitution and I did!

Having a great memory is not always about having a great memory! It is about never giving up and having the discipline to work at it and review.

That’s literally what I did. I worked at it and reviewed.

Whatever it is that you want to learn to memorize I say to you to not give up! This isn’t my last memory project it’s just my latest. When I set out to memorize the constitution I looked up and saw that it was 4,453 words.

I knew that would be a challenge but I knew that I could also do it.

In 2012 I memorized the fallen US military from the war in Afghanistan and that was no doubt more difficult. It was 7,000 words and the words didn’t go with one another. They were names.

When I set out to memorize the constitution they would be sentences so much easier to memorize.

I am always working to improve my memory and I hope that you are as well.

In the video above I recite the entire document in about 35 minutes.

Check it out!