Simonides and The History of memory training

Hi, my name is Ron White.  I’ve been doing memory training seminars for 25 years.  Although I would like claim that I came up with and developed memory training, it has actually been around for 2,500 years.  It can actually be traced back to Greece to a man named Simonides.


The story goes that in 477 B.C. Simonides was in a room full of people where the ceiling collapsed and everyone but Simonides was killed.  While removing the rocks they noticed the bodies were so badly crushed that no one was recognizable.  Simonides spoke up and was able to recall who and where each person was standing in the room. The Mind Palace technique was invented.  He had just remembered a room full of data and a room full of knowledge based upon a spot in his brain.  At the end of the day he went back to his house wondering if this could work with anything.  Instead of visualizing people in certain locations could he do the same with words, pictures, thoughts or concepts?  He began to number locations around his home and developed his Mind Palace.  With doing this Simonides could memorize lists with over 50 concepts simply based on this new technique.  He is now known as the ‘Father of Memory Training’.


I use this technique with every competition I do.  I set a record for the fastest to memorize a deck of cards in the United States,  I even used it on TV shows like Nat Geo’s Brain Games to memorize serial numbers on dollar bills,  and Fox’s Superhumans  to memorize a room full of phone numbers.




This concept is so simply that anyone can use it.  Whether to memorize chapters of books or a speech without using notes; to get this free training click the link below: