So I am at home working on my email newsletter and I get a phone call from a pretty well known political website called

The reporter, Patrick began asking me questions about my presidential campaign. From my hesitation in my answers I think he could sense much of my campaign was really just playfulness or joking around. But like any good reporter he kept after me asking me questions about my campaign and my platform. Honestly, my platform includes things like, ‘Vote for me if you don’t want the world to end in 2012’ and ‘I will memorize the names of every man, woman and child in the USA including your birthday and any known allergies that you may have.’ So obviously there is more playfulness in my campaign than seriousness.

After some probing I think Patrick sensed this and I know he for sure did after we hung up the phone and he watched my campaign video, which you can watch at

But I did get to make some legitimate points that Obama using a teleprompter isn’t necessary and even diminishes him as a speaker in my eyes. I also made the point that Rick Perry could have used memory training to recall debate point or Herman Cain could have used memory training to remember facts about Libya. Well, I won’t tell the entire story for you. Here is the article.

I am THRILLED THRILLED THRILLED!!! A MAJOR political website did a story on my ‘presidential run’. Now I much admit I got a TOTAL kick out of this! So much fun and I get to spread the word about good memory skills.

I enjoyed the article Patrick wrote and I hope you did as well….

Vote Ron White for a SMARTER America!!!!