At a meeting a man gave me his card and a $50 bill. He said that $50 bills are unique/you don’t see them much. When he meets someone and wants them to remember him, he gives them his card and a $50 bill and says, ‘I will be calling you in the future and I want you to remember me when I do.So here is my card and $50.’ Now that’s a story people will remember!!

What are some cheaper and maybe even BETTER ways to get people to remember your name and you?

1. REMEMBER THEM!! When you remember others you almost obligate them to remember you and your name

2. Give them a picture to see. There used to be a G.M. at a car dealership in Dallas named Dan Frogg. His office was FULL of 100s of tiny frog toys/knickknacks/statues. When people would see a small frog it became fun to buy it for Dan to put in his office. When you were sitting in his office you are surrounded by hundreds of frogs!! No one EVER forgot Mr. Frog because he gave them a mental picture for his name.

If your name isn’t Frogg, you might say something like:

‘My name is Lisa…like the Mona Lisa’

‘My name is Ronald like Ronald McDonald’

‘My name is Ron because I love to run. Just think running Ron!’

‘My name is Matt but I tell my wife I am not a doormat!’ :)

‘My name is Jim and you can see I need to go to the gym!’ :)

‘My name is Carol, just think of me singing Christmas Carols!’

So give people pictures to remember your name! A visual image will cement your name in their memory a lot more than saying, ‘Hello, my name is Ron.’ When you give them a picture you are not only helping their memory with a picture you are helping them by engaging their brain by forcing them to listen to your name (the #1 people don’t remember a name is they never really hear it in the 1st place because of a lack of focus)

If you would like my training on how to remember names and faces go to this link and enter your email address and you will get my free training for name memory. Remember when you remember others they WILL remember YOU!


The above game is great way to practice remembering OTHERS which will get them to remember you :)