Okay, so you think that your memory is as good as a USA memory champion?

Here is a test created by the National Geographic Show Brain Games for their 3 part series.

It is a fun memory game. There is a way to memorize a list of words very easy and I have written an article on this that can be found at http://www.brainathlete.com/memory-palace/. This article really describes how I (or any person using a memory system even a USA Memory Champion or World Memory Champion can memorize FREAKISH amounts of memory and I mean FREAKISH!!.

Using the Memory Palace that I describe above I have memorized an 800 digit number in one hour at the World Memory Championships and many have memorized 2000 digits during the same event. So in reality, with a system this test put on by the National Geographic Channel Brain Games Show below is very easy. But that doesn’t meant that it isn’t also really fun. Try it out…

Until then, play this fun memory game by Nat Geo