In March of 2010 I memorized every page of Martha Stewart’s magazine and then when I went on her show she quizzed me. She opened up the magazine and said what is on page 113 and I told her, ‘It is a page covered with flowers.’ I was RIGHT!! Then she said, ‘Tell me about page 25.’ On that page I had memorized it word for word and I recited it! She was impressed and then went on to quiz me on multiple things I had interacted with that day.

People always ask me, ‘How did you memorize her magazine?’ To be honest it was a very simple method that anyone can learn and here in this video I describe the Roman room method I used to memorize her magazine. This is the same method I use in the USA Memory Championship and it is also the method I teach everyone from six years old to business people to maximize performance in their life. Students can use this method to improve their grades and business people can use this memory improvement technique to give business presentations without notes, retain data from a workshop and more.