How we perceive color affects our moods and emotions.

What the human eye sees as different color hues are actually light waves portrayed in different frequencies. These frequencies can affect a person’s mood and emotions. The affects can vary from culture to culture but the physical process is the same.

Thoughts and emotions are coordinated by a series of electrical impulses traveling from one cell to the next. When the eye perceives a particular color, the frequency of that color is what allows the brain to distinguish one color from another. Light frequencies of red are highly energized so it tends to evoke feelings of power and energy.

Studies show that hues of red and orange encourage diners to eat quickly and leave so it’s no surprise why most fast food restaurants are decorated in these vivid colors.

Market research has also revealed that color affects shopping habits for example, impulse shoppers respond best to red, orange, black, and royal blues. Shoppers who budget were found to respond more to pink, teal, light blues, and navy.

Color symbolism can vary from culture to culture. The color white symbolized death in China but in Brazil, death is represented in the color purple. In North America and other main stream cultures, the following colors are associated with these emotion characteristics.

RED – Excitement, strength, passion ,anger    splatter_paint_by_avenged_siinz-d30r5th

BLUE – Trust, reliability, belongingness

YELLOW – Warmth, sunshine, happiness

ORANGE – Playfulness, vibrancy

PURPLE – Spirituality, dignity

GREEN – Nature, fresh, growth, abundance