Ok….this may shock you….
But everyone always tells me that I need to get my memory training into the school system. I don’t have that as a goal. I really don’t…
I don’t even pursue it. Why? The school system frustrates me and I don’t see it as an efficient way to get my message out. I feel brave enough to say that mainly because I am sitting in a Robert Kiyosaki seminar right now and I just heard him say, ‘I learned nothing about money in school, except how to work for money. If that is what you want for your kids then send them to school. I say teach them to create money.’ My topic is different but I have some of the same hesitations with seeing the school system as the answer.
When I was 18 my friends went to college and I was in a position where I was trying to figure out how to create money. The 4 years my friends were in college in was learning how to create money. The year after college that they were shopping their resumes and looking for the right company to hire them again I was learning to create money. I had a 5 year head-start (most wouldn’t see it as a head-start). But it was more than a headstart. I had been given a gift. The gift of a different mindset. My mindset was the create money, my friends was to work for money.
I have tremendous respect for teachers and believe me I don’t want my doctor operating on me, lawyer representing me or accountant doing my taxes without education in their field. I am simply saying I don’t see the school system as the answer to learn how to create income or even the answer to get my memory system out to the masses.
Instead, my goal is to bypass the school system. Get in front of the groups, as big of groups as a I can, as fast as I can and as often as I can. I believe the free market will get my information to the students more efficiently and more effectively. Do I really want to trust the government to do something efficiently? :)
Would I gladly accept if the school system asked me to sell them my memory training to put it in the school system? Yes
Will I gladly speak for a college or high school if they ask me? Yes
Would I gladly partner with any school to teach my system? Yes
Is that my goal? No.