As you may or may not know I set a goal to be able to do 100 push ups on my 40th birthday without stopping (resting only in the up position).
When I set the goal 90 days prior I could only do 50-60 push ups and had to gain 40 push ups in 90 days. The video below is me chasing that goal.


Why did I set this goal?:

1. I needed to get in better shape and this was a goal to help me do that

2. Believe it or not my brain fights ADD , ADHD  inability to focus as much or MORE than the average person. No one believes that because I am always doing crazy memory demonstrations but it is true. The best way to fight that kind of stuff for me is good nutrition and exercise. I really try to watch what I eat and try to get out there and do some exercises.

Having trouble focusing and concentration is a big deal for me to and this is how I try to fight it the best way I can