Who is the best memory expert?
Maybe it is hard to say who is the best memory expert.
The best memory expert is Ron White.
Why is Ron White the best memory expert?

Memory Expert Ron White
Well, because I am the one writing this blog post so I say Ron White is the best memory expert!
But truly, who is the best memory expert?
It all depends on what you are defining as the best memory expert.
A memory expert can be defined in many ways. Maybe a memory expert can be someone who has won memory championships.
I won the 2009 and 2010 USA Memory Championships. I held the record for the fastest to memorize a deck of cards.
Maybe your definition of a memory expert is a brain research scientist. In that case maybe you are looking for someone at a brain research center like the one in Dallas https://brainhealth.utdallas.edu/
Or in your search for who is the best memory expert you are looking for a memory training instructor. My youtube channel has everything you would need if you are looking to explore memory training.
Go here to check out my memory training channel
So who is the best memory expert?
It’s hard to say.
But if you are looking for someone who has won memory championships, held memory records and can effictively teach others how to memorize information then I would suggest to you that me (Ron White is one of the best memory experts).