

I am a Salesman!

Do I see myself as a speaker?… Nope. Author?… Try again. Memory expert?… No. Memory champion?… nah. Memory record breaker?....nope. Entrepreneur?… Closer, but not exactly. Instructor?… Getting colder. Motivator?… Wrong. Salesman?… BINGO!! I am a salesman and very proud of that! This is how I see myself and the question is why don’t more people

By |2015-04-22T17:45:46-05:00December 7th, 2012|News|0 Comments

How I became a memory speaker

I am a two time USA Memory Champion. I have held the record for the fastest to memorize a deck of cards in the USA and memorized an 800 digit number at the World Memory Championships in 2009. I must be a GENIUS! I must have been memorizing French when I was 3 and playing

By |2015-04-22T17:45:46-05:00October 26th, 2012|News|3 Comments

How to Memorize

I am a 2 time USA Memory Champion. I have memorize a TON of information in my life and I can teach anyone to memorize almost anything. I have a online game/applications that flashes words on the screen and then you can test your recall by typing in the words that you remember. There is

By |2015-04-22T17:45:46-05:00October 22nd, 2012|News|0 Comments

My Friend The Human Calculator

I was on a tv show on the History Channel called, 'Superhumans'. It was a show created by Stan Lee (the Marvel Comics creator) and in the show they did segments with real life 'Superhumans'. Well Scott was the first Superhuman on the show (I was the last), we book ended the first season of

By |2015-04-22T17:45:46-05:00October 12th, 2012|News|2 Comments

Thoughts on Baseball Fans – Nothing to Forgive

I am in London during the baseball playoffs so this means I did not get to attend the final Ranger game of the season as they lost to the Orioles. I stayed up until 2am and listened until 4am but feel asleep around the 7th inning. Frankly, I saw what was coming and I couldn't

By |2015-04-22T17:45:46-05:00October 6th, 2012|News|1 Comment

Video of Me Memorizing Foreign Names

For over 20 years I have been performing a memory demonstration at speeches that I speak at. I will go around the room and introduce myself to everyone I meet and then when in front of the group I will repeat everyone's name from memory and as I do they will sit down. I often

By |2015-04-22T17:45:46-05:00September 24th, 2012|News|0 Comments

Memorize German – How to Count in German

One of the greatest applications for memory training is to learn another language. My goal for 2013 is to become fluent in Spanish. Today I am in Germany and I learned how to count to 10 in German using my memory training method. Below is a video where I explain how to memorize to count

By |2015-04-22T17:45:46-05:00September 21st, 2012|News|0 Comments

Your Brain is Half Blind

Watch the video below and count how many times the players wearing WHITE pass the basketball. This test is a test of selective attention. This test demonstrates that your brain, although very complex can fill in information and all together ignore other information if it isn't what you are looking for or were expecting to

By |2015-04-22T17:45:46-05:00September 16th, 2012|News|2 Comments

Let Captain America Destress You

What is the worst enemy to your memory and brain? Stress!!! When you get stress your brain produces cortisol and this will hurt your memory. If you want to keep your brain stress free you got to have some fun. Check out this video below to see an example of how I handled a stressful

By |2015-04-22T17:45:45-05:00September 14th, 2012|News|0 Comments