Best Memory Training Books


I am the Two Time USA Memory Champ, Ron White and I have been teaching memory training for over 25 years. Instead of recommending my own books this time, I want to tell everyone about some of the courses I have learned over the last years of my business. You might be able to benefit from learning from others, as I did, such as different memory styles and techniques, or perhaps you’re curious as to the ones that changed my life.

Here are some memory training books that have helped me with memory training. I started memory training in 1991 when someone named Kevin Trudeau introduced me to it. I was up late at night watching TV in high school. I gathered some friends and together we tried to come up with the money to buy Trudeau’s ‘Mega Memory Course.’ Of course we did not end up buying it because we were just a bunch of high school kids with no money and we procrastinated. However, after 2 weeks of my high school graduation, I was hired on to work for Kevin Trudeau and that became my first exposure to a memory course.


At the time, the company was called Memory Training Institute, it was Trudeau’s former company and his course that I saw on TV ‘Mega Memory Course’ was available. It was an awesome beginner’s course that got me hooked. So it would be hard to find these days, as they don’t produce it anymore but you might be able to find it on the internet somewhere. This was the first memory course I ever took. It was a great course that jump started me.

When I went to work for Trudeau’s company, I started looking around for memory training books and the first book I ever got was ‘The Memory Book’ by Harry Lorayne which was the best selling memory book of all time.


I loved this book so much, it’s such a great book and it sparked something inside me that inspired me to continue to pursue my memory training. I felt like Lorayne was a mentor of mine because his books really spoke to me. It’s a great book to read if you’re interested in getting in to memory training.

Another really good memory training book by Harry Lorayne is called ‘Remembering People.’ I have had this book for years and have it so much that it’s physically torn in half now, and yet, I still refer back to it.


8 Time world memory champion, Dominic O’Brien also has a great memory course. You can find that online. Australian memory champ, Tansel Ali has an amazing memory training course, too. He also has a book about how to remember everything in a short period of time. I really enjoyed his book.

Math Magic by Scott Flansburg is not a memory training book, but it’s a great learning book that helped me remember numbers faster. You have have seen him on the History channel on a show called ‘Human Calculator.’ His book is absolutely incredible. I purchased it in the 90s when he had a program called Mega Math and coincidentally he and I became friends in 2005 and he’s been a dear friend of mine for over 10 years. So if you want to learn how to multiply or divide large numbers in your head, I highly recommend this book.


The next book on my list is called Maximize your memory by Ramon Campayo. He holds the speed record for memorizing like a 27 digit number in 3 seconds or something crazy like that. It’s pretty cool to look at his records. I have not really gone through his entire book yet, but his credentials are so extremely respectable that I decided to get his book and it’s the book I am currently going through.


So there you have it, some of the best memory training books and course, in my opinion. I recommend these books to anyone who wants to learn about memory training. I obviously recommend my books as well, but I did want to suggest other memory training books that have inspired me and will hopefully help and inspire you too.

For more memory training books, click the link below: