memory business

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The Memory Business in the USA

This Thanksgiving week I am thinking of the things that I am thankful for and one big thing in my life is my career and speaking. I am very grateful for a chance meeting in 1991 that really changed my life. Here I will give you a little history of the memory training business in

By |2015-04-22T17:45:43-05:00November 22nd, 2011|Odd Stuff From Ron White|1 Comment

Who is Ron White Memory Guy?

Who is Ron White Memory Guy? By Ron White How odd is it to write an article on yourself, explaining who you are? I feel like I am writing a profile for an online dating service! Ha! But for those who are interested in a little of my history before they hire me to speak

By |2015-04-22T17:45:35-05:00December 21st, 2010|News|0 Comments