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This Is Classified by Ron White

It must be really interesting to be in the CIA, Naval Intelligence or some top-secret organization. Imagine knowing the nation’s secrets—wow! I bet that has to carry with it tremendous pressure, but it must also be neat having access to the inner workings of what is really going on in the world. Well, I guess I will just have to live vicariously through James Bond movies or Matt Damon in the Bourne Identity because I will never walk in those shoes.

By |2015-04-22T17:45:36-05:00January 6th, 2011|News|0 Comments


The real estate professionals you spoke to represent the cream of the crop in this industry… the top 20% in the most competitive real estate marketplace in North America, if not the world. Your presentation was challenging, dynamic and interactive. I have had many of those who attended last month tell me how unique and

By |2010-07-24T17:56:44-05:00July 24th, 2010|News|0 Comments